Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of nominees for the 2024 WMF Scale Up and Start Up Challenges

May, 2024

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the Awards of the 2023 WMF Start Up and Scale Up Challenges

July, 2023

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of nominees for the 2023 WMF Scale Up and Start Up Challenges

April, 2023

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of nominees for the 2022 WMF Scale Up and Start Up Challenges

March, 2022

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the Awards of the 2021 WMF Start Up and Scale Up Challenges

July, 2021

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of nominees for the 2021 WMF Scale Up and Start Up Challenges

March, 2021

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2020 WMF Start Up Challenge: Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the Awards

August, 2020

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of 18 nominees for the 2020 World Materials Forum Start Up Challenge

March, 2020

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the Awards of the 2019 WMF Start Up Challenge

June, 2019

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of 18 nominees for the 2019 World Materials Forum Start Up Challenge

April, 2019

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World Materials Forum by John Miller, US writer and columnist

September, 2018

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Special Invitation for WMF participants to the FORAM Raw Materials Pilot Event

May 31, 2018

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the list of nominees for the 2018 World Materials Forum Start Up Challenge

April 25th, 2018

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the opening of WMF Start Up Challenge 2018

January 5th, 2018

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the Awards of the World Materials Forum Start Up Challenge

July 7th, 2017

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Prof. Stéphane Mangin updates on WMF preparatory works for the Plenary session on Recycling and Light weighting

April 22nd, 2017

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie announces the nominees of the World Materials Forum Start Up Challenge.

March 30th, 2017

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World Materials Forum well represented at the Renault Symposium on Operational Excellence.

December 15, 2016

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Dr Catherine Maieron happy to see one of World Materials Forum « little ones » becoming big

December 10, 2016

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie attends kick off of H2020 Project FORAM in Brussels

November 28, 2016

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Prof. Victoire de Margerie promotes materials efficiency for better growth at the European Resources Forum in Berlin

November 10, 2016

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Energy Focus: Carbon nanotubes improve radiation resistance of aluminum - Materials360 Online

May 27, 2016

WS 1.3 : Materials Solutions for Lightweighting



Green building report in Africa with St Gobain support

May 25, 2016

WS 2.2 : New materials combinations for building and housing



Airbus unit unveils 3D-printed electronic Motorcycle

May 25, 2016

WS 1.1 : 3D printing for zero material waste



A very interesting article on automaker investments in ridesharing companies

May 24, 2016

Workshop 2.3 : New mobility models to increase car usage rates



The nanotechnology race between China and USA

May 19, 2016

Plenary Session 3 : Which governance for a new growth model less intense in materials



Japan pins tech hopes on game-changing nanofiber via japantimes

May 18, 2016

Workshop 1.3 : Materials Solutions for Lightweighting



Machine-learning techniques could revolutionize materials science

May 15, 2016

Workshop 1.2 : Internet of Things for reduced materials intensity



Apple just invested $1 Billion in Uber's Chinese Rival

May 12,2016

Workshop 2.3 : New mobility models to increase car usage rates


Advanced Fibre-Reinforced Composites Pivotal to Marine Sustainability

April 29, 2016

Plenary Session 2 - Roundtable : KPI's for materials efficiency


How scientists design new materials Coming soon

April 27, 2016

Plenary Session 2 – Roundtable : KPI's for materials efficiency



Ethiopian bamboo: the new green gold of Africa?

April 25, 2016

Workshop 2.2 : New materials combinations for building and housing



Clothes can now be 3Dprinted directly from raw materials!

April 21, 2016

Workshop 1.1 : 3D printing for zero material waste


These scientists want to turn your skin into an electronic display

April 19, 2016

Workshop 1.2 : Internet of Things for reduced materials intensity


How trees inspired the renewable plastic of the future

April 18,2016

Workshop 2.1 : Catch up on plastics packaging waste


The nanotechnology race between China and USA

April 12, 2016

Plenary Session 3 - Debate "Which governance for a new growth model less intense in materials"


Japan pins tech hopes on game-changing nanofiber

April 11, 2016

Workshop 1.3 : Materials solutions for Lightweighting


Ethiopian bamboo: the new green gold of Africa ?

April 7, 2016

Workshop 1.2 : Internet of Things for reduced materials intensity