World Materials Forum 2023 Scale-up/Start-up Challenges rules

Due to the recent turbulence for the US ecosystem related to the failure of Silicon Valley Bank, the jury has now decided to extend the application deadline by 5 days until March 19th midnight PT.

Article 1 - Eligibility criteria for Start Up Challenge

Is eligible to participate any company that fulfills the four following criteria:

  • number of permanent staff below 50
  • confirmed economic viability
  • sizable impact on Using Materials Smarter, Less and Longer
  • demonstrated breakthrough - whether technical or organizational - in one of the following topics:

- New materials offering higher functionality (better surface aspects, no toxicity, product usage rate), lower costs, and/or fully recyclablity

New processes whether digital (AI, IoT, sensors...) or non-digital process (3D, CO2-free electrolysis, spintronics...)

- all types of application such as

1. Fuel cell/Hydrogen, 
2. EV batteries,
3. Product light weighting,
4. Data storage and processing,
5. Reduction of water usage,
6. Reduction of energy usage,
7. Storage of renewable energies,
8. Reduction of wastes throughout the supply chain,
9. Reduction of CO2 footprint,
10. Recycling or reuse
11. Biomaterials
12. AI and Quantum

Each applicant will be entitled to apply for one single project.

Article 2 – Requested documents for application Start Up Challenge

Participants will provide a presentation of their company in the form of a PDF document of max 5 pages including a description of their breakthrough innovation, a simplified 3 years business plan and the basic informations relative to their company structure (capital and shareholding).


Article 3 – Eligibility criteria Scale Up Challenge

Is eligible to participate any company that has been nominated at one of our previous WMF Start Up Challenges (from 2017 to 2022)


Article 4 – Requested documents for application Scale Up Challenge

Participants will provide a presentation of their company in the form of a PDF document of max 3 pages including a description of their scale Up project (capacity, capital expenditure, project team), a simplified 3 years business plan and the updated basic informations relative to their company structure (capital and shareholding).


Article 5 – Submission rules for both challenges

Applicants to both Start Up and Scale Up Challenges will send their files to Victoire de Margerie - - and Stéphane Mangin -


Article 6 - Composition of jury for both Challenges

  • Jeet Adani, Chief Financial Officer Adani (India)
  • Tadeu Carneiro, Chairman & CEO BostonMetal (USA)
  • Edith Coune, Secretary General InnovationFund (Belgium)
  • Bronwyn Fox, Chief Scientist CSIRO (Australia)
  • Stéphane Mangin, Université de Lorraine (France) – Vice Chair
  • Victoire de Margerie, Founder & Vice Chair WMF (France) – Chair
  • Shirley Meng, University of Chicago/Argonne National Lab (USA)
  • Hartwig Michels, President Petrochemicals BASF (Germany)
  • Bernard Pinatel, President Refining & Chemicals Total (France)
  • Alberto Salleo, Stanford University (USA)
  • Nick Stanage, CEO Hexcel (USA)
  • Karim Zaghib, Mc Gill University (Canada)


Article 7 - Nominees Start Up Challenge

12 nominees will be designated by the jury in April 2023 and each nominated company will receive a package including a free booth at Hôtel de Ville de Nancy during the 3 days of World Materials Forum 2023 as well as free transportation, accommodation and WMF registration for the company CEO.
The package also include the shooting of a professional one minute pitch video presenting the nominee's company and its breakthrough innovation - This video will appear of the official WMF web site for a full year


Article 8 - Nominees Scale Up Challenge

3 nominees will be designated by the jury in April 2023 and each nominated company will receive a package including a free booth at Hôtel de Ville de Nancy during the 3 days of World Materials Forum 2023 as well as free transportation, accommodation and WMF registration for the company CEO.

The package also includes the organization of 3 one to one meeting with Partner CEOs of WMF as per the nominee’s choice.


Article 9 - Awards Start Up Challenge

Among the nominees, a winner will be designated by the jury during WMF in June and the 50.000 euros Start Up Grand Prix will be handed out to the winning company CEO by the Jury Chairman, Victoire de Margerie.

A second company will be designated by the jury and the Coup de Coeur Award of 20.000 euros will be handed out to this company CEO by the Jury Vice Chairman Stéphane Mangin

Additional awards in kind or in cash might be awarded by other jury members.


Article 10 - Award Scale Up Challenge

Among the nominees, a winner will be designated by the jury during WMF in June and the 50.000 euros Start Up Grand Prix will be handed out to the winning company CEO by the Jury Chairman, Victoire de Margerie.

Additional awards in kind or in cash might be awarded by other jury members.


Article 11 - Nominees commitments

Nominated companies of both Challenges commit to have their CEO attending World Materials Forum in Nancy on July 5th to 7th thanks to the packages granted and described in articles 7 & 8.


Article 12 - Competition schedule 

  • Opening: 1 December 2022
  • Deadline to apply: March 19th 2023 midnight PT 
  • Selection of nominees: Jury meeting to be held in Paris between mid March and mid April 2023
  • Announcement of nominees: to be made during the 3rd week of April 2023
  • Presentation of nominees and announcement of Awards: 6 July 2023 during WMF Gala Dinner


Article 13 - Information and communication

Participants and nominees allow World Materials Forum and their partners to use their names, e-mail addresses, full company contact details and a non confidential presentation of their company as included in the company application, and this for the purpose of information and communication actions related to the competition, included all website publications, without any possibility to claim any right whatsoever.


Article 14 - Confidentiality

Jury members as well as WMF or partners experts and staff who will have access to files submitted within the course of the competition will commit in written to keep confidential all such informations related to projects submitted.


Article 15 - Acceptance of rules

Every participant acknowledges the reading and acceptance of all competition rules by way of participating.


Article 16 - Applicable Law

French Law will apply to all matters arising from this competition - and this includes "Loi informatique et liberté" dated 06/01/78 modified by "Loi relative à la protection des personnes physiques à l'égard des traitements de données à caractère personnel" dated 06/08/2004."