Eco-Emballages pilots the French scheme to sort and recycle household packaging waste set up in compliance with Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle. Eco-Emballages isa private company, invested with a general interest mission serving the consumer/citizen and as such, is accredited by the State. Its objective is to enable member companies to fulfil theirEPR obligations and to ensure an environmentally- and socially-efficient implementation of the scheme at an optimal cost. The Green Dot therefore guarante citizens of the commitment ofcompanies to limiting the environmental impact of packaging. As of today, 67% of household packaging waste is recycled in France thanks to the daily involvement of millions of Frenchpeople. In order to achieve the target of a 75% recycling rate in a near future, Eco-Emballages works from upstream to downstream, on eco-design and on increasing recycling, bybringing together all stakeholders – companies, local authorities, associations, and recycling companies.